For 25 years, Falcon Aerospace has been a leading supplier and distributor of standard and non-standard metals used in the Aerospace and Defense industries around the world.


3350 Enterprise Avenue Meridian Business Campus, Unit 180 Weston, FL 33331 U.S.A +1-954-771-9338 + 1-954-771-9193 Mail us


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(Chemical symbol Cr.) – Element No. 24 of the periodic system; atomic weight 52.01. It is of bright silvery color, relatively hard. It is strongly resistant to atmospheric and other oxidation. It is of great value in the manufacture of Stainless Steel as an iron-base alloy. Chromium plating has also become a large outlet for the metal. Its principal functions as an alloy in steel making; (1) increases resistance to corrosion and oxidation (2) increases hardenability (3) adds some strength at high temperatures (4) resists abrasions and wear (with high carbon).